Results for 'Anatoli Andrei Vankov'

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  1.  72
    On Relativistic Generalization of Gravitational Force.Anatoli Andrei Vankov - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (6):523-545.
    In relativistic theories, the assumption of proper mass constancy generally holds. We study gravitational relativistic mechanics of point particle in the novel approach of proper mass varying under Minkowski force action. The motivation and objective of this work are twofold: first, to show how the gravitational force can be included in the Special Relativity Mechanics framework, and, second, to investigate possible consequences of the revision of conventional proper mass concept (in particular, to clarify a proper mass role in the divergence (...)
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    L'esthétique soviétique contre Staline.Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky - 2005 - Paris: Delga.
    Lorsqu'on pense à la politique culturelle de l'URSS, un seul mot vient à l'esprit : jdanovisme. Tout le monde connaît Andreï Jdanov, le commissaire du peuple à la culture de Staline et ses diktats en matière de création. En revanche, on ignore tout de son " prédécesseur " et pour ainsi dire, son opposé : Anatole Vassiliévitch Lounatcharski. Nul hasard. L'idéologie a tout intérêt à réduire le communisme au goulag, Lénine à Staline, le matérialisme dialectique à Lyssenko et la critique (...)
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    Collected Papers of Stig Kanger with Essays on His Life and Work, Volume 2.Stig Kanger - 2001 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Stig Kanger made important contributions to logic and formal philosophy. Kanger's most original achievements were in the areas of general proof theory, the semantics of modal and deontic logic, and the logical analysis of the concept of rights. But he contributed significantly to action theory, preference logic and the theory of measurement as well. This is the second of two volumes dedicated to the work of Stig Kanger. The first volume is a complete collection of Kanger's philosophical papers. The present (...)
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    A forgotten concept: global citizenship education and state social studies standards.Anatoli Rapoport - 2009 - Journal of Social Studies Research 33 (1):91-112.
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  5. Positive law and objective values.Andrei Marmor (ed.) - 2001 - Oxford [England] ; New York: Clarendon Press.
    This book presents a comprehensive defence of legal positivism on the basis of a novel account of social conventions. Marmor argues that the law is founded on constitutive conventions, and that consequently moral values cannot determine what the law is.
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  6. Equality and monodic first-order temporal logic.Anatoli Degtyarev, Michael Fisher & Alexei Lisitsa - 2002 - Studia Logica 72 (2):147-156.
    It has been shown recently that monodic first-order temporal logic without functional symbols but with equality is incomplete, i.e., the set of the valid formulae of this logic is not recursively enumerable. In this paper we show that an even simpler fragment consisting of monodic monadic two-variable formulae is not recursively enumerable.
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    How Homeric is the Aristotelian Conception of Courage?Andrei G. Zavaliy - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (3):350-377.
    When Aristotle limits the manifestation of true courage to the military context only, his primary target is an overly inclusive conception of courage presented by Plato in the Laches. At the same time, Aristotle explicitly tries to demarcate his ideal of genuine courage from the paradigmatic examples of courageous actions derived from the Homeric epics. It remains questionable, though, whether Aristotle is truly earnest in his efforts to distance himself from Homer. It will be argued that Aristotle's attempt to associate (...)
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    Проблема материального начала мира в философии и науке.Anatoly N. Arlychev - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:201-209.
    The author of the paper ascertains that in the treatment of material beginning of the world two opposed methods of approach had grown up: qualitative and quantitative ones. The first can be traced back to Miletus school. The other goes to Pythagorean philosophy. The qualitative treatment (Aristotelian one in the main) predominated from the fourth century B.C. to early XVII A.D. But from the second part of the XVII age and right up to our days the quantitative approach plays prevalent (...)
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  9. Aspects of change: being a selection of lectures by members of the faculty of the University of Minnesota on how change is considered in their several disciplines.Anatoly Liberman & Rutherford Aris (eds.) - 1985 - [Minneapolis]: University of Minnesota.
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    Probabilistic Nogood Store as a Heuristic.Andrei Missine & William S. Havens - 2008 - In Tu-Bao Ho & Zhi-Hua Zhou (eds.), PRICAI 2008: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 768--777.
  11.  24
    Hermeneutics of the Political in Concepts Karl Schmitt and Hannah Arendt.Anatoly Anatolyevich Trunov & Evgeny Vladimirovich Ryndin - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):207-212.
    The purpose of the study is the hermeneutic reconstruction of the political in the original concepts of K. Schmitt and H. Arendt. The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of the approaches of K. Schmitt and H. Arendt to the identification of the essence of the political. As a result, the differences between the theoretical approaches of K. Schmitt and H. Arendt were revealed, which correlate with each other according to the principle of complementarity. According to K. Schmitt, in the (...)
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    Ideologies and political religions in the modern society.Anatoly Anatolyevich Trunov & Evgeny Vladimirovich Ryndin - 2021 - Kant 40 (3):173-177.
    The purpose of the study is to reveal the specifics of the functioning of ideologies and political religions in modern society. The article examines primary sources and modern publications on ideologies and political religions. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the classical tradition of studying ideology as a kind of false consciousness and, at the same time, as a strategy of social hegemony in modern society is reconstructed; a rational explanation of the circumstances under which Conservatism, Liberalism, Marxism (...)
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  13. A structural analysis of publications in the field of social studies in the soviet union, 1960—1965.Anatoly A. Zvorykin - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Pantheism.Andrei A. Buckareff - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element focuses on some core conceptual and ontological issues related to pantheistic conceptions of God by engaging with recent work in analytic philosophy of religion on this topic. The conceptual and ontological commitments of pantheism are contrasted with those of other conceptions of God. The concept of God assumed by pantheism is clarified and the question about what type of unity the universe must exhibit in order to be identical with God receives the most attention. It is argued that (...)
  15.  75
    Freedom of speech, freedom to teach, freedom to learn: The crisis of higher education in the post-truth era.Anatoly V. Oleksiyenko & Liz Jackson - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (11):1057-1062.
    With increasing influence of illiberalism, freedom should not be considered or interpreted lightly. Post-truth contexts provide grounds for alt-right movements to capture and pervert notions of freedom of speech, making universities battlefields of politicised emotions and expressions. In societies facing these pressures around the world, academic freedom has never been challenged as much as it is today. As Peters and colleagues note, conceptualisations of ‘facts’ and ‘evidences’ are politically, socially, and epistemically reconstructed in post-truth contexts. At the same time, with (...)
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  16. Fregean realism: Frodo Lives! and other fictions.Andrei Pop - 2025 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Andrei Pop argues that Frege's distinction between sense and reference, concept and object, and asserted and unasserted thought provides a superior account of the overlapping categories of fiction and art. This book also tackles case studies in Fregean art history and theory.
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    Метафізика Декарта як вчення про умови саморозбудови особистості.Anatoly Malivskyi - 2020 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (2):51-69.
    Опонуючи дискусійній рецепції метафізики Декарта, автор зосереджується на її тлумаченні як умов особистісної самореалізації. Інтерпретація мислителя в контексті незавершеної революції Коперника прояснює чинники актуалізації належних засадин людської поведінки. У процесі звернення до приватного листування обґрунтовується правомірність а) оцінки періоду роботи над незавершеними «Правилами для керування розумом» як етапу метафізики та б) з’ясування мотивів роботи над незавершеним ним текстом. Аналіз спадщини Декарта як осмислення умов розбудови особистості увиразнює її змістовну спорідненість із вченням Канта. Йдеться насамперед про межі людського знання як передумову (...)
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    Entangled Humanism as a Political Project: William Connolly’s Facing the Planetary.Anatoli Ignatov, Nicole Grove, Alexander Livingston & William E. Connolly - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (1):115-134.
  19. Russian Higher Education.Andrei Kortunov - 2009 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 76 (1):203-224.
    The paper gives an overview of the Russian higher education history, outlines its current state, the challenges and opportunities for its modernization in the nearest future. A special emphasis is made on the role of international cooperation in the higher education development and prospects for Russia’s integration into the global educational space. Andrei Kortunov is President of the Moscow based New Eurasia Foundation. He has managed a number of education-focused programs in Russia, working closely with governmental agencies, higher education (...)
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  20. The role of action in perceiving and comparing functional relations.Ivan Vankov & Boicho Kokinov - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Philosophy as an Educational Project: Transcribing the Belarusian Experience.Anatoly I. Zelenkov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (10):38-58.
    The articles considers philosophy as an educational project. The institutionalization of philosophy is connected with the process of formation and development of the classical university as well as with the transformation of its socio-cultural status. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the essential ambivalence of philosophy and its influence to the basic priorities of philosophical education. It is emphasized that the tasks of reforming and modernizing academic philosophical programs initiate the development of variable models and technologies for teaching (...)
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  22.  27
    The Language of Law.Andrei Marmor - 2014 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The book builds on recent work in pragmatics and speech-act theory to explain how, and to what extent, legal content is determined by linguistic considerations. At the same time, the analysis shows that some of the unique features of communication in the legal domain - in particular, its strategic nature - can be employed to put pressure on certain assumptions in philosophy of language. This enables a more nuanced picture of how semantic and pragmatic determinants of communication work in complex (...)
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  23. Incomplete Descriptions and the Underdetermination Problem.Andrei Moldovan - 2015 - Research in Language 13 (4):352–367.
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss two phenomena related to the semantics of definite descriptions: that of incomplete uses of descriptions, and that of the underdetermination of referential uses of descriptions. The Russellian theorist has a way of accounting for incomplete uses of descriptions by appealing to an account of quantifier domain restriction, such as the one proposed in Stanley and Szabó (2000a). But, I argue, the Russellian is not the only one in a position to appeal to (...)
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  24. Law and the Philosophy of Action.Andrei Buckareff - 2014 - Brill.
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  25. Uppermost Pleistocene transgressive coralgal reefs on the edge of the south Texas Shelf: Analogs for reefal reservoirs buried in siliciclastic shelves.Andrei V. Belopolsky & André W. Droxler - 1999 - Laguna 60:25.
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  26. Fără controverse.Andrei Cornea - 2002 - Dilema 493:10.
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  27. Das Problem der Periodisierung in der Geschichte des Völkerrechts.Anatoly I. Dimitriev - 2003 - Rechtstheorie 34 (2):219-227.
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    Mundo da Vida e Intersubjetividade Linguística À Luz da Teoria Evolutiva de Habermas.Anatoli Konstantin Gradiski - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (5):82-91.
    Com o conceito de intersubjetividade linguistica Habermas busca compreender como a interação entre os vários sujeitos num discurso os fazem pertencer a um espaço de vivência e de experiências compartilhadas, o que para ele constitui o mundo da vida não apreendido pelas ciências positivas e nem colonizado pelosistema. Paralelo à sua crítica à apreensão positivista do conceito de mundo da vida, ele apresenta uma reconstrução evolutiva da racionalidade, cuja base está na epistemologia genética de Piaget e na teoria do desenvolvimento (...)
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    Soviet Social Thought in the Period of Stagnation.Anatoly M. Khazanov - 1992 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 22 (2):231-237.
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    Prevention of Corruption in Public Procurement: Importance of General Legal Principles.Anatoly Krivinsh & Andrejs Vilks - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (1):235-247.
    The article “Prevention of corruption in public procurement: importance of general legal principles” examines the importance of general legal principles in the sphere of public purchases. The purpose of the work is to analyse the information on possible methods of prevention of and fight against corruption. The main result of the work is the conclusion that strict adherence to the general legal principles is one of the corruption-reducing factors. While combating corruption in the field of public procurement, general legal principles (...)
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  31. On education: selected articles and speeches.Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky - 1981 - Moscow: Progress Publishers.
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    The Immorality of Textualism.Andrei Marmor - unknown
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  33. Istoricheski vŭprositelni.Andreĭ Lazarov Pantev - 2003 - Sofii︠a︡: Riva.
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  34. On Compromise.Anatoly Shcharansky - 2007 - St. Martin's Press.
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    Otkrytostʹ russkoĭ filosofii.Andreĭ Dmitrievich Sukhov - 2021 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo "Kanon-pli︠u︡s".
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    What Does Hegel Prove in His Lectures on the Proofs of God’s Existence?Andrei G. Zavaliy - 2008 - Philosophy and Theology 20 (1-2):85-97.
    Even though Hegel rejects Kant’s criticism of the classical proofs for God’s existence, he is far from joining the followers of St. Anselm.What is needed, he suggests, is the rational account of the transition from the final notion to the infinite Being. The Lectures in its central treatment of the Cosmological proof present us with an explanation in rational terms of the fact of religion, i.e., the elevation of the finite spirit to infinite God, rather than with a proof in (...)
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    The Earth as a Gift-Giving Ancestor.Anatoli Ignatov - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (1):52-75.
    This article puts into conversation Friedrich Nietzsche’s perspectivism and a particular expression of “African animism,” drawn from my ethnographic fieldwork in Ghana. Nietzsche’s perspectivism extends interpretation beyond the human species into natural processes. Like perspectivism, African animism troubles the binaries—body/soul, nature/culture—that permeate anthropocentric thinking. Human-nonhuman relations are refigured as socio-ecological relations: the earth may be regarded as life-generating ancestors; baobab trees may approach humans as kin. These two images of the world intersect, but they do not mesh together. Nietzsche adopts (...)
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  38.  28
    The Mind behind the Iron Curtain: Ukrainian Philosophy of the Late USSR and World Science.Anatoly Loy, Illia Davidenko, Kseniia Myroshnyk & Daria Popil - 2021 - Sententiae 40 (2):161-183.
    Interview of Illia Davidenko, Kseniia Myroshnyk, Daria Popil with Anatoly Loy.
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    A crowdsourcing approach to building a legal ontology from text.Anatoly P. Getman & Volodymyr V. Karasiuk - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 22 (3):313-335.
    This article focuses on the problems of application of artificial intelligence to represent legal knowledge. The volume of legal knowledge used in practice is unusually large, and therefore the ontological knowledge representation is proposed to be used for semantic analysis, presentation and use of common vocabulary, and knowledge integration of problem domain. At the same time some features of legal knowledge representation in Ukraine have been taken into account. The software package has been developed to work with the ontology. The (...)
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  40. Do Lions have Manes? For Children, Generics are about Kinds, not Quantities.Amanda Brandone, Andrei Cimpian, Sarah-Jane Leslie & Susan Gelman - 2012 - Child Development 83:423-433.
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    Logical self-reference as a model for conscious experience.Andrei G. Khromov - 2001 - Journal of Mathematical Psychology 45 (5):720-731.
  42.  30
    Universal concept of complexity by the dynamic redundance paradigm: causal randomness, complete wave mechanics, and the ultimate unification of knowledge.Andrei P. Kirilyuk - 1997 - Kyiv: Nauk. dumka.
    Extended Abstract This book introduces and develops a new, universal method of the scientific comprehension of reality providing the objective, ...
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  43. Alternative Concepts of God: Essays on the Metaphysics of the Divine.Andrei A. Buckareff & Yujin Nagasawa (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    According to traditional Judeo-Christian-Islamic theism, God is an omniscient, omnipotent, and morally perfect agent. This volume shows that philosophy of religion needs to take seriously alternative concepts of the divine, and demonstrates the considerable philosophical interest that they hold.
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    Electrodynamics of Balanced Charges.Anatoli Babin & Alexander Figotin - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (2):242-260.
    We introduce here a new “neoclassical” electromagnetic (EM) theory in which elementary charges are represented by wave functions and individual EM fields to account for their EM interactions. We call so defined charges balanced or “b-charges”. We construct the EM theory of b-charges (BEM) based on a relativistic field Lagrangian and show that: (i) the elementary EM fields satisfy the Maxwell equations; (ii) the Newton equations with the Lorentz forces hold approximately when b-charges are well separated and move with non-relativistic (...)
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    Relativistic Dynamics of Accelerating Particles Derived from Field Equations.Anatoli Babin & Alexander Figotin - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (8):996-1014.
    In relativistic mechanics the energy-momentum of a free point mass moving without acceleration forms a four-vector. Einstein’s celebrated energy-mass relation E=mc 2 is commonly derived from that fact. By contrast, in Newtonian mechanics the mass is introduced for an accelerated motion as a measure of inertia. In this paper we rigorously derive the relativistic point mechanics and Einstein’s energy-mass relation using our recently introduced neoclassical field theory where a charge is not a point but a distribution. We show that both (...)
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    Detskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡.Andreĭ Timofeevich Bolotov - 2012 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelʹskiĭ dom Petropolis. Edited by T. V. Artemʹeva & M. I. Mikeshin.
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  47. Wątek śmierci we współczesnych interpretacjach.Andrei Demichev - 1999 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 5.
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  48. Gegelʹ.Andrei Trofimovich Dvortsov & Akademiia Nauk Sssr - 1972 - Moskva,: "Nauka,".
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  49. Transformation of the role of healthcare ethics committees and the concept of clinical ethics in Belarus : implications for medical professionalism.Andrei Famenka - 2016 - In Sabine Salloch & Verena Sandow (eds.), Ethics and Professionalism in Healthcare: Transition and Challenges. Burlington, VT: Routledge.
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    Ființa și proces în ontologia lui Noica.Andrei-Dragoș Giulea - 2005 - București: Humanitas.
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